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  • Fluorescence microlymphography (FML) is an almost atraumatic technique used to visualize the superficial skin network of initial lymphatics through the intact skin of man. Visualization was performed with an incident light fluorescence microscope following subepidermal injection of minute amounts of FITC-dextran 150,000 using microneedles. Emanating from the bright dye depot, the surrounding network of microvessels is filled, documentation performed by photography or video film. In congenital Milroy lymphedema, a lack of microlymphatics (aplasia) is typical while in other primary lymphedemas and in secondary lymphedema after mastectomy or irradiation of proximal lymph nodes, the network remains intact but the depicted area is enlarged. Lymphatic microangiopathy characterized by obliterations of capillary meshes or mesh segments develops in phleboedema with trophic skin changes, progressive systemic sclerosis and Fabry's disease. In lipedema, lymphatic microaneurysms are stained. Microlymphatic pressure may also be measured using FML. For this purpose, glass micropipettes are inserted into the capillaries by means of a micromanipulator and pressure is determined by the servo-nulling technique. Normal subjects produced significantly lower pressure (7.9 +/- 3.4 mmHg) compared to patients with primary lymphedema (15.0 +/- 5.1 mmHg, p<0.001). This characteristic lymphatic hypertension may be improved by complex physiotherapy or local application of prostaglandins. Additionally, a modification of the FML procedure can be used to measure lymphatic capillary flow velocity in controls and patients. FML is suited to confirm the clinical diagnosis of lymphedema, contributes to distinguish among various forms of edema, and is useful in clinical research. In addition, FML has also become a tool for experimental animal studies including the depiction of gastric microlymphatics, the measurement of flow velocity in the naked mouse tail, and in evaluation of lymphangiogenesis in a model of Milroy disease.

  • "Lipedema," a special form of obesity syndrome, represents swelling of the legs due to an increase of subcutaneous adipose tissue. In 12 patients with lipedema of the legs and in 12 healthy subjects (controls), fluorescence microlymphography was performed to visualize the lymphatic capillary network at the dorsum of the foot, at the medial ankle, and at the thigh. Microaneurysm of a lymphatic capillary was defined as a segment exceeding at least twice the minimal individual diameter of the lymphatic vessel. In patients with lipedema, the propagation of the fluorescent dye into the superficial lymphatic network of the skin was not different from the control group (p > 0.05). In all 8 patients with lipedema of the thigh, microaneurysms were found at this site (7.9 +/- 4.7 aneurysms per depicted network) and in 10 of the 11 patients with excessive fat involvement of the lower leg, multiple microlymphatic aneurysms were found at the ankle region. Two obese patients showed lymphatic microaneurysms in the unaffected thigh and in only 4 patients were microaneurysms found at the foot. None of the healthy controls exhibited microlymphatic aneurysms at the foot and ankle, but in one control subject a single microaneurysm was detected in the thigh. Multiple microlymphatic aneurysms of lymphatic capillaries are a consistent finding in the affected skin regions of patients with lipedema. Its significance remains to be elucidated although its occurrence appears to be unique to these patients.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)


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