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  • Lipomas are the most common soft tissue tumors and are malignant in only 1% of cases. Lipomatosis is defined as the presence of multiple benign lipomas on the body, without lipoatrophy. Their impact on quality of life is significant. Different entities have been described such as symmetrical multiple lipomatosis (MSL), also called Madelung's disease and familial multiple lipomatosis (FML). MSL occurs preferentially in men (but also women) who are alcohol abuser. There are different subtypes of the disease, the most classic of which affects the upper body and the nuchal region with a buffalo hump appearance. A metabolic component with obesity is frequent. In contrast to Dercum's disease, there is no pain. SAOS, complications of the metabolic syndrome and of alcohol abuse including cancers, may be associated and should be screened. FML has been little described in the literature since Brodie's first report in 1846. FML occurs preferentially in the third decade but equally in women and men. Its autosomal dominant component is classically accepted with variable penetrance within the same family. Association with naevi, angiomas, polyneuropathies and with gastrointestinal comorbidities has been reported. Interestingly, and in contrast with most lipodystrophy disorders, the patients show an insulin sensitivity profile. A better understanding of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms would open up avenues on therapeutic research, since treatments are only symptomatic to date.

  • In contrast to obesity, which is very frequent, lipomatosis and lipodystrophy syndromes are rare diseases of adipose tissue. Lipodystrophy syndromes are characterized by metabolic abnormalities associated with partial or generalized lipoatrophy. Lipomatosis is defined by the presence of several body lipomas without lipoatrophy. Dercum’s disease (DD) and Roch-Leri mesosomatous lipomatosis (RLML) are rare and poorly characterized forms of lipomatosis. They have raised little clinical interest despite the non-negligible consequences of DD on quality of life. The main clinical presentation of these diseases includes multiple lipomas, which are painful in DD (in contrast to RLML). The two diseases are frequently associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome, with hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia. The long-term course of the diseases remains poorly described. DD affects mainly women, whereas RLML mostly affects men. In both diseases lipomas are found on the back and thighs, as well as on the abdomen in DD and the forearms in RLML. The painful lipomas tend to recur after surgery in DD (in contrast to RLML). Most cases are sporadic. No specific treatment has been identified, as the pathophysiology remains unknown. Nevertheless, low-grade fat inflammation and specific abnormalities such as hyperbasophilia deserve further investigation. The aim of this review is to analyze the available literature on the topic.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)



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