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  • In recent years stem cell research has become increasingly important for regenerativemedicine and tissue engineering. The isolation of stem cells from adipose tissue evades ethicalconcerns with which embryonic stem cells and induces pluripotent stem cells (iPS) are afflicted,because of its declaration as clinical waste material. Tumescent liposuction is a minimallyinvasive procedure providing high amounts of adipose tissue rich in therapeutically relevantcells within a short time. The isolated stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and the adipose derivedstromal/stem cells (ASC) contained therein show a high regenerative potential and have beensuccessfully used in many clinical studies. Maintaining SVF cells in their natural environmentand therefore providing the maximum possible regenerative potential of adipose tissue-derivedcells is a prerequisite for successful autologous clinical application. With an improved gentleand fast isolation process by minor manipulation it is possible to obtain a therapeuticallyrelevant cell population. A physical stimulus already used in clinics is the extracorporealshockwave therapy (ESWT), shockwaves are characterized by their high rise in pressurewithin a very short time followed by cavitation wave with a negative amplitude. By applyinglow-energy ESWT on freshly obtained human liposuction material and isolated SVF cells (invitro) we aimed to equalize and enhance stem cell properties and their functionality. We wereable to show an increased adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) concentration after applying ESWTon adipose tissue as well as a significantly increased expression of single mesenchymal andvascular surface markers in comparison with the untreated group. Additionally, the proteinsecretion of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and placental growth factor (PLGF) wassignificantly enhanced. Further it was investigated if there is the same beneficial effect whenapplying ESWT on the adipose tissue harvest site before liposuction to improve cell propertiesin situ. We showed a significantly enhanced viability, ATP concentration and populationdoublings after 3 weeks in culture for cells isolated from ESW treated adipose tissue harvestsite. Further the expression of mesenchymal and endothelial/pericytic markers was elevatedcollaborating with the increased angiogenic differentiation potential as well as the increasedsecretion of certain angiogenic proteins after ESWT in situ. Besides ESWT the effect of anotherphysical stimulus on SVF/ASC cells was tested - Low level laser therapy (LLLT) has alreadyshown beneficial effects. Therefore, we investigated effects of pulsed blue (475nm), green(516nm) and red (635nm) light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) applied on freshly isolatedSVF cells. Cells had a stronger capacity to vascular tube formation after exposure to greenand red light concomitant with an increased concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) in the secretome. In a side project during the PhD program the hormone-relatedwomens disease lipedema was investigated. The SVF cell properties of healthy and lipedemapatients were investigated and a significant enhancement in cell yield as well as a reduction inadipogenic differentiation capacity of lipedema SVF cells was revealed. Within this workdifferent physical forces applied on adipose tissue and adipose tissue-derived cells werepresented as well as an improved isolation method and characteristics of degenerated adiposetissue. This are promising applications for the clinical use in the field of regenerative medicineand tissue regeneration.

  • BACKGROUND AIMS: Lipedema is a hormone-related disease of women characterized by enlargement of the extremities caused by subcutaneous deposition of adipose tissue. In healthy patients application of autologous adipose tissue-derived cells has shown great potential in several clinical studies for engrafting of soft tissue reconstruction in recent decades. The majority of these studies have used the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), a heterogeneous cell population containing adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASC), among others. Because cell identity and regenerative properties might be affected by the health condition of patients, we characterized the SVF cells of 30 lipedema patients in comparison to 22 healthy patients. METHODS: SVF cells were analyzed regarding cell yield, viability, adenosine triphosphate content, colony forming units and proliferative capacity, as well as surface marker profile and differentiation potential in vitro. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated a significantly enhanced SVF cell yield isolated from lipedema compared with healthy patients. In contrast, the adipogenic differentiation potential of SVF cells isolated from lipedema patients was significantly reduced compared with healthy patients. Interestingly, expression of the mesenchymal marker CD90 and the endothelial/pericytic marker CD146 was significantly enhanced when isolated from lipedema patients. DISCUSSION: The enhanced number of CD90(+) and CD146(+) cells could explain the increased cell yield because the other tested surface marker were not reduced in lipedema patients. Because the cellular mechanism and composition in lipedema is largely unknown, our findings might contribute to a better understanding of its etiology.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)


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