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  • In order to develop further the criterias of the ultrasonographic diagnosis of the lip- and lymphedema, also in the demarcation of the phlebedema, we examined 100 patients in our practice. In addition to the specific “sonomorphology”of the lip- and lymphedema we found a different reaction of the subcutaneous tissue of the lower leg in painful and not painful lipedemas examined with compression-sonography. A more precise demarcation of the cutis from the subcutis was made possible with a new 13 MHz linear probe. The spontaneous painful lipedema shows a thickened subcutis with increased echogenity and is only compressible at 10 to 20 percent, while the not painful lipedema is compressible at about 50 percent. In patients with lymphedema the typical echoless gaps showed no colour coding and were also not compressible. Especially because of the low time needed, the non-invasive method and the lack of radiation the ultrasonographic description, measurement and compression of the subcutaneous tissue of the lower leg is useful for diagnosis, the objective control of therapeutic strategies and the estimation of the clinical symptoms – especially in cases of lipedema – and also for the etiology – especially in cases of lymphedema. The sonography is superior to the clinical examination and should be the second step in diagnosis of all nonsystemic forms of edemas of the legs.

  • Background: As we did not find any reliable datas concerning the prevalance of lipoedema (in Middle Europe), we started an anamnestic, clinical and (duplex-)sonographic investigation in 62 professional women. We were endavoured to avoid a bias of assertion and to get a socially correct composition of the collective. Results: Including all stages of lipoedema, also the mild ones (lipohyperplasia), 39 % of women were concerned. Regarding only the moderate to distict findings of markedly filled in ankles, 9.7 % were concerned. Only the breeches-type was found in 4.8 %. There were no relevant differences in age, length and age of menarche in women without and with lipoedema. Women with lipoedema were heavier than those without and they had accordingly a higher body-mass index. The thickness of subcutis + cutis 8 cm above the medial malleolus was 11 ± 2.8 mm in women without lipoedema and about 16 mm in those with lipoedema (beyond the double standard deviation). The thickness of the cutis lied on average distictly under 2 mm in both groups. Sonography seems to be a safe tool in the judgment of the subcutis – also in epidemiological studies.

  • Zusammenfassung Einleitung: Die aktuelle deutsche Leitlinie zur Behandlung des Lipödems empfiehlt neben der Therapie mit flachgestrickten Kompressionsmaterialien und manueller Lymphdrainage auch die Liposuktion. Die Abgrenzung zu Adipositas und asymptomatischer Lipohypertrophie stellt dabei häufig ein differenzialdiagnostisches Problem dar. Eine reproduzierbare und objektivierbare Differenzialdiagnostik ist aber die Grundlage für eine zielführende und wirtschaftliche Behandlung. Material und Methoden: Im Rahmen einer multizentrischen Registerstudie (5 Zentren) wurden im Zeitraum von 01/2016 bis 05/2017 die Beine (n=294) von Patientinnen mit Lipödem (n=136), Lymphödem (n=20), Lipödem mit sekundärem Lymphödem (n=30), Lipohypertrophie (n=42) und Adipositas (n=30) sowie von Gesunden (n=36) sonografisch untersucht. Es wurden Messungen der Dicke von Kutis und Subkutis an den Unter- und Oberschenkeln sowie von deren Komprimierbarkeit durchgeführt. Zusätzlich erfolgte eine Analyse der Sonomorphologie. Ergebnisse: Spezielle sonomorphologische Eigenschaften, die ein Lipödems von den anderen Krankheitsentitäten bzw. vom Gesunden abgrenzen lassen, konnten bislang nicht übereinstimmend und überzeugend herausgearbeitet werden. Die Komprimierbarkeit des Kutis-Subkutis-Komplexes ist vollkommen unspezifisch und lässt keinen Rückschluss auf die Diagnose Lipödem zu. Der Nachweis von Flüssigkeitseinlagerungen bei Patienten mit einer „schmerzhaften Lipohypertrophie” gelingt nicht, sodass die Krankheitsbezeichnung Lipödem irreführend ist und überdacht werden sollte. , Summary Introduction: The current German guidelines on treating lipoedema recommend using flatknitted compression material and manual lymphatic drainage as well as liposuction. Differentiating lipoedema from obesity and asymptomatic lipohypertrophy frequently proves difficult. However, a reproducible and objective differential diagnosis is the foundation of an expedient and cost-effective treatment. Material and Methods: As part of a multi-centre registry study (5 centres) ultrasound scans were performed between 1/2016 and 5/2017 on the legs (n=294) of a total of 147 patients with lipoedema (n=136), lymphoedema (n=20), lipoedema with secondary lymphoedema (n=30), lipohypertrophy (n=42) and obesity (n=30), as well as healthy individuals (n=36). Measurements were performed on the thickness of the cutis and subcutis of the lower and upper leg and on their compressibility. An analysis of the sonomorphology was also conducted. Results: Special sonomorphological properties that allow lipoedema to be differentiated from other disease entities and from healthy individuals have yet to be consistently and conclusively identified. The compressibility of the cutis-subcutis complex is completely unspecific and does not allow for any conclusions to be drawn concerning lipoedema. It has not been possible to detect fluid retention in patients with “painful lipohypertrophy” so that the description of the disease as lipoedema is misleading and should be reconsidered.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)