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  • Lipedema is a common disease in the usual clinical practice. None organic description about the clinical symptoms and signs associated to this condition has been published. Fifty women with lipedema have been examined by the authors, and incidence rates of symptoms and signs have been emphasized. The following signs and symptoms were constantly reported: "Egyptian column", elastic edema, negative Stemmer's sign, alterated plantar support, cutaneous hypothermia. Some others were frequently found: ecchymosis, spontaneous pain, liposclerosis on the thigh, hypodermic hyperalgesia and pain on the internal face of the knee. Moreover, the two most relevant differential diagnosis as well as their two variant's clinical features (mixed lipedema and "thin women" lipedema) have been described.

  • Lipedema is a chronic vascular disease almost exclusively of female sex, characterized by the deposit of fat on the legs, with an "Egyptian column" shape, orthostatic edema, hypothermia of the skin, alteration of the plantar support, and negativity of Stemmer's sign. The etiology and pathogenesis of this disease are still the object of study, and therapy is very difficult. Various authors have described morphologic and functional alterations of prelymphatic structures and of lymphatic vessels. The big veins remain untouched in the phlebograms and an alteration of the skin elasticity is demonstrated. The present authors have studied by dynamic lymphoscintigraphy 12 women patients suffering from lipedema, and compared the results with those of 5 normal subjects and 5 patients suffering from idiopathic lymphedema who were sex and age matched with the patients suffering from lipedema. The patients suffering from lipedema showed an abnormal lymphoscintigraphic pattern with a slowing of the lymphatic flow that presented some analogies to the alterations found in the patients suffering from lymphedema. A frequent asymmetry was also noticed in the lymphoscintigraphic findings that is in contrast to the symmetry of the clinical profile.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)


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