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  • Lipedema is a chronic metabolic disorder of the adipose tissue, of unknown aetiology, and is marked by a bilateral and symmetrical swelling of the lower extremities, caused by extensive deposits of subcutaneous fatty tissue (local lipohypertrophy). Proliferative subcutaneous fatty tissue compresses the lymph collectors of the superficial lymphatic system. Lymphedema is characterized swelling of soft tissues by accumulation of lymphatic fluid [1]. If lipolympedema remains untreated, it will progress through the same stages as pure lymphedema [1,2]. A helpful diagnostic tool to distinguish lipedema from lymphedema is Stemmers sign. Limb circumference or volume measurements are commonly used for diagnosis and for following lymphedema progression [3]. Developing technology also brings new approaches for lymphedema diagnosis: bioimpedance, 99mTc lymphoscintigraphy, magnetic resonance lymphangiography etc. Ultrasound is recently developing imaging technique for both lymphedema diagnosis and follow up [4]. In this case report localized lipedema which diagnosed with ultrasonography, in a patient with osteoarthritis in the knee joint was discussed.

  • Attention has been drawn to the role of changes in visceral adipose tissue rather than subcutaneous adipose tissue in the relationship between adipokines and dysfunctional adipose tissue. Especially in lipedema in which subcutaneous adipose tissue is affected, information about adipokines is insufficient. In this study, it was aimed to investigate adiponectin, ghrelin, resistin and visfatin levels and their relationship with adipose tissue thickness in patients with lipedema. For this purpose, subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness was evaluated objectively by ultrasonography. A total of 19 female patients diagnosed with lipedema and 15 healthy women with no age difference were included in the study. Skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness were measured ultrasonographically. Serum levels of adiponectin, ghrein, resistin and visfatin of all subjects were measured using sandwich ELISA protocol. In patients with lipedema, subcutaneous subcutaneous tissue thickness and total skin-subcutaneous thickness were significantly increased in the thigh and calf, excluding skin thickness in the thigh, compared to controls (P0.05). No significant correlation was found between adiponectin, ghrelin, resistin and visfatin and skin, subcutaneous and total thickness measurements by ultrasound in patients with lipedema and controls (P>0.05). Although not statistically significant, when examined in detail, positive or negative correlations were observed between the groups in the relationship between adipokines and ultrasound measurements. According to our findings, although no significant relationship was found between serum levels of adipokines and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness, it is controversial that they are completely unrelated. Further studies in larger series will shed light on the relationship between adipokines and subcutaneous tissue thickness and the importance of ultrasonography. , Adipokinler ve disfonksiyonel yağ dokusu arasındaki ilişkide subkutan yağ dokusundan ziyade viseral yağ dokusundaki değişikliklerin rolüne dikkat çekilmiştir. Özellikle cilt altı yağ dokusunun etkilendiği lipödemde adipokinler hakkında bilgi yetersizdir. Bu çalışmada lipödemli hastalarda adiponektin, ghrelin, resistin ve visfatin düzeylerinin ve bunların yağ doku kalınlığı ile ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Bu amaçla cilt altı yağ dokusu kalınlığı ultrasonografi ile objektif olarak değerlendirildi. Lipödem tanısı almış toplam 19 kadın hasta ve yaş farkı olmayan 15 sağlıklı kadın çalışmaya dahil edildi. Deri ve deri altı yağ dokusu kalınlıkları ultrasonografik olarak ölçüldü. Tüm deneklerin serum adiponektin, ghrein, resistin ve visfatin seviyeleri sandviç ELISA protokolü kullanılarak ölçüldü. Lipödemli hastalarda, uyluk ve baldırda subkutan subkutan doku kalınlığı ve toplam deri-subkutan kalınlığı kontrollere kıyasla, uyluktaki deri kalınlığı dışında önemli ölçüde arttı (P0.05). Lipödemli hastalarda ve kontrollerde ultrason ile adiponektin, ghrelin, resistin ve visfatin ile deri, deri altı ve toplam kalınlık ölçümleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmadı (P>0.05). İstatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmasa da detaylı incelendiğinde adipokinler ve ultrason ölçümleri arasındaki ilişkide gruplar arasında pozitif veya negatif korelasyonlar gözlendi. Bulgularımıza göre, serum adipokin düzeyleri ile deri altı yağ dokusu kalınlığı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamakla birlikte, tamamen ilgisiz oldukları tartışmalıdır. Daha geniş serilerde yapılacak çalışmalar adipokinlerin cilt altı doku kalınlığı ile ilişkisine ve ultrasonografinin önemine ışık tutacaktır.

Last update from database: 10/5/24, 7:40 AM (UTC)


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