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Vascular anomalies and related conditions cause overgrowth of tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy and safety of liposuction techniques for pediatric overgrowth diseases. Patients treated between 2007 and 2015 who had follow-up were reviewed. Seventeen patients were included; the median age was 12.7 years. The causes of overgrowth included infiltrating lipomatosis (n = 7), capillary malformation (n = 6), hemihypertrophy (n = 1), infantile hemangioma (n = 1), lipedema (n = 1), and macrocephaly-capillary malformation (n = 1). Forty-seven percent had enlargement of an extremity, 41 percent had facial hypertrophy, and 12 percent had expansion of the trunk. All subjects had a reduction in the size of the overgrown area and improved quality of life. Suction-assisted tissue removal is an effective technique for reducing the volume of the subcutaneous compartment for patients with pediatric overgrowth diseases. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, IV.
INTRODUCTION: Liposuction for lymphoedematous limbs is an effective treatment for chronic lymphoedema, with excellent long-term results in well-selected patients. In 2008 NICE produced guidelines 'Liposuction for Chronic lymphoedema', acknowledging this treatment modality. However, there remain very few centers that provide this service in the United Kingdom. We aim to share our experience of our referral system at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland. METHODS: A 10 year prospective database from 2005 to 2014 was analysed. Referral sources, patient demographics, diagnosis and treatment offered were examined. RESULTS: There were 221 referrals in total, 190 (86%) female and 31 (14%) male. The mean age was 51 (range 7-86 years). 127 (58%) were referred via their general practitioners, 72 (33%) from a hospital consultant and 22 (10%) from a lymphoedema nurse specialist. 153 (69%) referrals were from Scotland, 61 (28%) from England and 7 (3%) from Northern Ireland. The majority of patients 165 (75%) were referred with lower limb swelling. Following assessment in clinic, 146 (66%) were found to have lymphoedema whilst the rest were deemed to have other non-lymphoedematous diagnoses which include lipoedema (47, 21%), dependent oedema (8, 4%) and obesity (5, 2%). 131 (59%) were offered liposuction- 74 (34%) have received liposuction, 18 (8%) are awaiting their procedure, 3 (1%) have declined surgery, 27 (12%) are awaiting funding approval and 9 (4%) have been declined funding by their primary care trust/clinical commissioning group (PCT/CCG). 4 (2%) are awaiting investigations to further evaluate the cause of their swelling, whilst the remaining 86 (39%) were felt unsuitable for surgery and were treated conservatively. CONCLUSION: Chronic lymphoedema is a challenging condition to treat, with few specialist centers offering surgical treatment. We hereby share our referral process, diagnosis and management.
Lipedema is a disorder of adipose tissue that primarily affects females and is often misdiagnosed as obesity or lymphedema. Relatively few studies have defined the precise pathogenesis, epidemiology, and management strategies for this disorder, yet the need to successfully identify this disorder as a unique entity has important implications for proper treatment. In this review, we sought to review and identify information in the existing literature with respect to the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and management strategies for lipedema. The current literature suggests that lipedema appears to be a clinical entity thought to be related to both genetic factors and fat distribution. While distinct from lymphedema and obesity, there are some existing treatments such as complex decongestive physiotherapy, liposuction, and laser-assisted lipolysis. Management of lipedema is complex and distinct from lymphedema. The role of newer randomized controlled studies to further explore the management of this clinical entity remains promising.
Lipedema is a poorly understood clinical entity that is frequently under-diagnosed and neglected or else confused with lymphoedema. However, in most cases, diagnosis is simple and does not usually necessitate laboratory examinations. There is an extremely high demand for therapy since the condition causes major morbidity and affects quality of life. The aim of treatment is to reduce patient weight; although weight loss does not affect the morphology of the lower limbs, it optimises patient mobility while reducing related complaints and improving quality of life. Conservative surgical measures, of which tumescent liposuction is the most frequent, provide improvement of certain symptoms. A better understanding of this entity will result in improved therapy.
Women wait decades for an accurate diagnosis of lipoedema. Earlier diagnosis is essential to prevent the condition progressing to lymphoedema, with its risk of life-threatening cellulitis.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical significance of lymphoscintigraphy imaging in the evaluation of lower extremity lymphedema. Methods: Technetium-99m-labeled nanocolloid was injected subcutaneously in the first web spaces of both feet of 123 patients (M/F: 43/80, mean age 57.5±13.1 years, range 16-78 years) who had clinical evidence of lower extremity swelling with suspicion of lymphedema, and were referred for routine lymphoscintigraphy. Lymphoscintigraphy scan was started as dynamic viewing followed by static whole body imaging at 10 minute, 1 hour and 4 hours after injection. Results: Eighty-seven patients had lymphedema. Patients who had lymphedema were divided into two groups according to their scintigraphy findings: Group I included 58 patients without uptake in the popliteal nodes, and group II included 29 patients with positive popliteal nodes. The rate of popliteal node visualization was higher in patients with dermal backflow as compared to those without dermal backflow (p<0.001). The duration of lymphedema was also longer in patients with dermal backflow and popliteal nodes (p<0.004). Conclusion: Lymphoscintigraphy is a reliable, easily applied and well-tolerated objective method to diagnose lower extremity lymphedema. Uptake by popliteal lymph nodes and the presence of dermal backflow on lymphoscintigraphy, which is performed for evaluation of the lower limb lymphedema, were important signs indicating longer disease duration and higher severity of lymphatic dysfunction.
The increasing prevalence of obesity causes a major interest in white adipose tissue biology. Adipose tissue cells are surrounded by extracellular matrix proteins whose composition and remodeling is of crucial importance for cell function. The expansion ...
Microcannular liposuction in tumescent anesthesia is the most effective treatment for painful lipedema. Tumescent anesthesia is an established and safe procedure in local analgesia when performed according to guidelines. Major adverse effects are rare. In patients with advanced lipedema, however, the commonly presented comorbidities bear additional risks.We report on post-surgical acute pulmonary edema after tumescent liposuction according to guidelines in a 52-year-old female patient with lipedema of the legs. We discuss in detail possible scenarios that might be involved in such emergency. In the present case the most likely was a retarded community acquired atypical pneumonia with aggravation of pre-existent comorbidities.A combined treatment with intravenous b-lactam antibiosis, positive pressure ventilation, and continuous venovenous hemodialysis and filtration resulted in complete remission in a couple of days. In conclusion, tumescent liposuction of advanced lipedema patients should only be performed in well-trained centers with sufficient infrastructure.
Lipedema is a disfiguring disorder with abnormal and progressive deposition of adipose tissue in the hips and lower extremities almost exclusively occurring in women. There is a hereditary tendency and a substantial variability in disease severity. Lipedema is often misdiagnosed as lymphedema or morbid obesity. The etiology and pathogenesis are not understood. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to minimize physical and psychological morbidity. The diagnosis is usually made by history and clinical examination. Non-invasive imaging techniques such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance can differentiate lipedema from other causes of edematous lower extremities. Lymphoscintigraphy may be helpful in cases which are associated with lymphedema (lipo-lymphedema). Management with manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy are considered the most appropriate treatment. Use of conventional liposuction is controversial since it may further damage the lymphatic vessels. Newer techniques such as tumescent micro annular laser assisted liposuction and water jet-assisted liposuction have shown some promising results. Variety of other surgical procedures combined with manual lymphatic drainage and tailored post-surgical care are under investigation.
Methods: Thirty-six legs in 18 patients with secondary lower extremity lymphedema (LEL) and 20 legs in 10 healthy volunteers were examined using elastography. Thirty-six legs in 18 secondary LEL patients were examined using ICG lymphography. Elastography was performed on both legs at the following three sites: medial thigh (MT), medial leg (ML), and anterior ankle (AA). The area of the red region in the subcutaneous tissue demonstrated by elastography was calculated using Image software. ICG lymphography findings were classified into the following four patterns: linear (ICG1), splash (ICG2), stardust (ICG3), and diffuse (ICG4) patterns. Results: As ICG pattern progressed, the red region area was likely to increase. There was a correlation between ICG patterns and red region area according to the severity at bilateral MT (rs Z 0.665), ML (rs Z 0.623), and AA (rs Z 0.668). Significant difference was demonstrated among group means of the red region area by analysis of variance (healthy vs. ICG1 vs. ICG2 vs. ICG3 vs. ICG 4: 14.4 Æ 5.7 vs. 15.1 Æ 10.3 vs. 25.2 Æ 6.2 vs. 30.8 Æ 9.4 vs. 35.0 Æ 2.8; P < 0.001). Conclusions: The area of the red region in the subcutaneous tissue shown using elastography, which represents fluid, increases with the aggravation of lymphedema demonstrated by ICG
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the ability of the central sensitization inventory (CSI), a new screening instrument, to assist clinicians in identifying patients with central sensitivity syndromes (CSSs). Methods: Patients from a psychiatric medical practice (N = 161), which specialized in the assessment and treatment of complex pain and psychophysiological disorders, were assessed for the presence of a CSS. CSI scores, using a previously determined cutoff of “40” of “100,” were compared between the CSS patient group (n = 99) and the non-CSS patient group (n = 62). Information on false positives, false negatives, true positives, and true negatives were analyzed, and sensitivity and specificity analyses were conducted. In addition, CSS-relevant variables such as depression, abuse, and substance abuse were examined. Results: A large percentage of CSS patients had comorbid major depressive disorder (80%) and abuse history (43%), which was higher than rates for the patients without a CSS (55% and 24%, respectively). The CSI correctly identified 82.8% (n = 82) of CSS patients as having a CSS (ie, sensitivity) and 54.8% (n = 28) of non-CSS patients as not having a CSS (ie, specificity). False-positive patients (not diagnosed with a CSS, but scoring >40 on the CSI) reported more severe pain, interference in daily functioning, and abuse history, compared with the non-CSS patients who scored below 40 (ie, true negatives). Conclusions: The CSI is a useful and valid instrument for screening patients for the possibility of a CSS, although the chances of false positives are relatively high when evaluating patients with complex pain and psychophysiological disorders.
Background: Lipedema is a painful, genetically induced, abnormal deposition of subcutaneous fat in the extremities of women. The pathogenesis is unknown. Also unknown is the number of women affected in Germany. This study presents the epidemiology of the disease. There are currently two treatment options available: Complex physical decongestive therapy and liposuction. Liposuction is the only method that removes fat permanently. An additional study proves its effectiveness and highlights its vital role as part of a comprehensive treatment concept.
- Guidelines and Consensus (1)
- Lipedema (11)
- Open Access (5)
- Original studies and data (6)
- Patient journey (1)
- Review (7)
- Therapeutics (2)
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