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Lipedema is a type of subcutaneous adipose tissue disorder that affects mainly women. Its main symptom is bilateral fat accumulation on the extremities with associated pain in the affected areas. Despite growing interest in lipedema among patients and medical health professionals, lipedema is still often misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and mistreated. To promote better understanding of lipedema, we aimed to investigate factors related to the quality of life and describe selected sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of women with lipedema in Poland.
Resumen Introducción El lipedema es el depósito de tejido graso doloroso fundamentalmente en miembros inferiores. Afecta casi siempre a mujeres, y está infradiagnosticado e infratratado. El objetivo del estudio es describir las características del diagnóstico y los tipos de tratamientos realizados por los pacientes con lipedema en España. Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo transversal mediante encuesta online anónima realizada entre noviembre-diciembre 2019. Se calculó el tamaño muestral mínimo para un nivel de confianza del 95% y margen de error del 5%. Se recogieron las variables sociodemográficas (edad, sexo y comunidad de residencia), aspectos diagnósticos y la mejoría percibida con diferentes opciones de tratamiento. Resultados Se obtuvieron 463 respuestas válidas. La edad media de inicio de la sintomatología fue de 18,2 años (DE: 9,0). El 69% de los pacientes comenzaron con clínica entre los 10-19 años. Transcurrieron 19,9 años (DE: 10,1) desde el inicio de la clínica, y se necesitaron 4,9 visitas médicas (DE: 3,3) para obtener un diagnóstico. El diagnóstico se realizó con más frecuencia en la medicina privada por cirujanos. El 78,4% de los pacientes probaron, al menos, 3 tipos diferentes de tratamientos. La pérdida de peso fue el tratamiento más utilizado y las prendas de compresión la opción percibida como más efectiva. Un 34% de los pacientes tienen acceso a la prescripción de prendas de compresión. Conclusiones Actualmente el lipedema carece de un tratamiento estandarizado, y las diferentes terapias realizadas no son percibidas como satisfactorias por los pacientes. Es necesario mejorar su conocimiento para obtener un diagnóstico temprano y proporcionar a los pacientes tratamientos adecuados. Introduction Lipedema is a chronic and progressive disease. Most studies agree that it is underdiagnosed and undertreated. The aim of this study was to identify the diagnostic characteristics and types of treatment for lipedema in the Spanish population. Material and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out through an anonymous 10-item online survey in November- December 2019. The minimum sample size was calculated for a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error. Information was collected on sociodemographic variables (age, sex, place of residence), diagnostic characteristics and perceived improvement with distinct treatment options. Results A total of 463 valid responses were obtained. The mean age at first manifestation was 18.2 (SD: 9.0) years. Onset occurred between the ages of 10 and 19 years in 69% of the patients. It took an average of 19.9 (SD: 10.1) years to receive a diagnosis and 4.9 medical visits. Diagnosis was most frequently made in private clinics by surgeons. Most patients (78.4%) had tried at least three different types of treatment. Weight loss was the most frequent treatment (92%) and compression garments were perceived to be the most effective. Only 34% of respondents had access to financing for compression garments. Conclusions Currently, there is no standard treatment for lipedema and patients perceive current treatments to be unsatisfactory. Better knowledge of this entity is needed to allow early diagnosis and provide adequate treatment.
Primary lymphedema is a rare chronic pathology associated with constitutional abnormalities of the lymphatic system. The objective of this French National Diagnosis and Care Protocol (Protocole National de Diagnostic et de Soins; PNDS), based on a critical literature review and multidisciplinary expert consensus, is to provide health professionals with an explanation of the optimal management and care of patients with primary lymphedema. This PNDS, written by consultants at the French National Referral Center for Primary Lymphedema, was published in 2019 ( Primary lymphedema can be isolated or syndromic (whose manifestations are more complex with a group of symptoms) and mainly affects the lower limbs, or, much more rarely, upper limbs or external genitalia. Women are more frequently affected than men, preferentially young. The diagnosis is clinical, associating mild or non-pitting edema and skin thickening, as confirmed by the Stemmer’s sign (impossibility to pinch the skin on the dorsal side or the base of the second toe), which is pathognomonic of lymphedema. Limb lymphoscintigraphy is useful to confirm the diagnosis. Other causes of swelling or edema of the lower limbs must be ruled out, such as lipedema. The main acute lymphedema complication is cellulitis (erysipelas). Functional and psychological repercussions can be major, deteriorating the patient’s quality of life. Treatment aims to prevent those complications, reduce the volume with low-stretch bandages, then stabilize it over the long term by exercises and wearing a compression garment. Patient education (or parents of a child) is essential to improve observance.
Lipedema is a painful, underdiagnosed adipose tissue disorder, characterized by symmetrical swelling of the extremities due to subcutaneous fat deposition in the buttocks, thighs, legs, and arms, sparing the most distal part of the extremities. Although etiology and pathogenesis of lipedema is unclear, possible role of hormonal and genetic factors have been proposed previously. Patients with lipedema suffer from pain, easy bruising, tenderness, and disfigurement. Pain is the leading symptom in lipedema. Since the pain is associated with depression and impaired quality of life, reduction of pain is the major therapeutic approach. Pain in lipedema is attributed to allodynia, exaggerated sympathetic signaling, and estrogens. Although the mechanism of pain in lipedema is uncertain, effective treatment of lipedema should provide a satisfactory pain reduction. Efficacy of the conservative treatment is a matter of debate. Microcannular tumescent liposuction is the most effective therapeutic option for lipedema. There is a large body of evidence that this procedure significantly reduces pain in patients with lipedema.
Lipedema is an adipose tissue disorder characterized by the disproportionate increase of subcutaneous fat tissue in the lower and/or upper extremities. The underlying pathomechanism remains unclear and no molecular biomarkers to distinguish the disease exist, leading to a large number of undiagnosed and misdiagnosed patients. To unravel the distinct molecular characteristic of lipedema we performed lipidomic analysis of the adipose tissue and serum of lipedema versus anatomically- and body mass index (BMI)-matched control patients. Both tissue groups showed no significant changes regarding lipid composition. As hyperplastic adipose tissue represents low-grade inflammation, the potential systemic effects on circulating cytokines were evaluated in lipedema and control patients using the Multiplex immunoassay system. Interestingly, increased systemic levels of interleukin 11 (p = 0.03), interleukin 28A (p = 0.04) and interleukin 29 (p = 0.04) were observed. As cytokines can influence metabolic activity, the metabolic phenotype of the stromal vascular fraction was examined, revealing significantly increased mitochondrial respiration in lipedema. In conclusion, despite sharing a comparable lipid profile with healthy adipose tissue, lipedema is characterized by a distinct systemic cytokine profile and metabolic activity of the stromal vascular fraction.
Objective: To examine the common and specific characteristics of fibromyalgia and lipe dema, two chronic soft-tissue pain syndromes without curative therapy options. Methods: Diseases’ characteristics were compared using the findings of extensive literature and the empiric data from two cohorts, both fulfilling standardized diagnostic criteria. Outcome was measured by various socio-demographics, the generic Short Form 36 (SF36), the Fibromyalgia Severity Questionnaire (FSQ), and the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD). Empiric SF-36 data were compared to specific population-based norms and between the diagnostic groups, using standardized mean differences (SMD). Results: Female participants with fibromyalgia (n = 77) and lipedema (n = 112) showed comparable education levels and living situations. Lipedema cases were, on average, 3.9 years younger and BMI 6.3kg/m2 more obese. Women with fibromyalgia smoked more, did less sport, had more comorbidities, and worked less. Compared to the norms, health in fibromyalgia was worse than expected by SMD = –1.60 to –2.35 and in lipedema by –0.44 to –0.82 on the SF-36. The score differences between the two conditions ranged from SMD = –0.96 to –1.34 (all p < 0.001) on the SF-36 and the FSQ. For the inpatients (n = 77 fibromyalgia, n = 38 lipedema), the 6MWD was comparable (SMD = –0.09, p = 0.640). These findings were consistent with detailed data from the literature reviewed. Discussion: Fibromyalgia and lipedema share characteristics of clinical phenomenology and comorbid conditions. Disease perception is more pronounced in fibromyalgia than in lipedema, especially in social and role dysfunction, whereas the walking distance was similar for both syndromes. This difference may be explicable by limited coping skills in fibromyalgia.
Currently, the ketogenic diet (KD) is used to treat obesity. A prospective study on the use of KD and nutraceutical correction of the nutritional status of patients with lipedema was carried out. Aim. To study the effect of the ketogenic diet, accompanied by correction of changes in the intestinal microbiome and hepatoprotection,on the reduction of fatty deposits in lipedema and the dynamics of changes in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism hormones. Material and methods. 60 patients with lower limb lipedema of stages I-III were randomized into 2 groups: Group 1 received a lowcalorie diet (LCD), physical exercises in the gym (PE), and physical activity (FA) in the form of daily walking up to 3-5 km/ day. Group 2 received a modified version of the Atkins ketogenic diet, physical exercises in the gym and FA, as well as nutraceutical correction of increased appetite, probiotic intestinal composition, hepatoprotection. The duration of the treatment course was 4 weeks. Anthropometric methods and bioimpedansometry were used to control limb circumferences, waist and thigh. Results and discussion. After treatment, patients in 1st group showed a decrease in body weight, lean and active cell mass, a decrease in musculoskeletal mass, and a decrease in total water due to extracellular water. A decrease in total cholesterol and high density lipoproteins (HDL) fraction, an increase in blood triglyceride fraction was noted. Leptin decreased by 12.73%. Patients of the 2nd group showed a decrease in body weight, fat mass, lean mass, total water and extracellular water. There was a decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, transaminases. Leptin decreased by 32.02%, insulin decreased by 9.87%. To prevent the development of fatty hepatosis against the background of the use of KD, patients of the 2nd group received nutraceutical correction: hepatoprotector Gepamin, metaprebiotic Stimbifid-plus, modulating the formation of resident intestinal microbiota. To reduce appetite, the patients of the 2nd group were also prescribed anorexic - an algal product Nativ containing the polysaccharide fucoidan, having a prebiotic effect. Improvement of reparative processes in the liver, suppression of oxidative processes also contributed to the restoration of the sensitivity of insulin receptors, which was confirmed by the normalization of the lipid-carbohydrate spectrum of blood in patients of the 2nd group after the course of the treatment. The insulin decrease in patients of Group 2 indicated not only insulin resistance decrease , but also the lipogenesis decrease and stimulation of lipolysis. Adipose tissue reduction due to lipolysis stimulation was also indicated by a decrease in leptin expression. Conclusion. Thus, a ketogenic diet, accompanied by nutraceutical correction of the intestinal microbiome and hepatoprotection can be effectively used in combination with physical activity in order to reduce body weight, fat mass and edema, as evidenced by a decrease in the expression level of leptin and insulin, correlating with the levels of fat loss and free water.
"Cardiovascular risk is determined by many factors involving genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle. Thus, the determination of the global cardiovascular risk has to consider several factors. The most important ones are age, blood pressure, cholesterol and its subfractions - in particular, LDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol - and diabetes. The ScoreCard of the European Society of Cardiology considers these factors to determine the 10-year cardiovascular risk to have a major cardiovascular event, such as myocardial infarction, stroke and death. Other important risk factors, such as noise, pollution, family history and nutrition are more complex to be included in the global cardiovascular risk but should be clinically considered"--
Lipedema is a chronic disease seen frequently in women that causes abnormal fat deposition in the lower limbs and associated bruising and pain. Despite increasing knowledge concerning lipedema, there are still aspects of diagnosis that need further investigation. We performed a prospective, observational cohort study to describe prevalence of clinical characteristics present in patients with lipedema in an attempt to establish diagnostic criteria. Participants were consecutive patients with lipedema presenting at a public hospital in Spain from September 2012 to December 2019. Patients were examined for the following signs and symptoms of lipedema: symmetrical involvement; disproportion between the upper and lower part of the body; sparing of the feet; pain; bruising; Stemmer' sign; pitting test; fibrosis; venous insufficiency; upper limbs involvement; vascular spiders; skin coldness; and lymphangitis attacks. In addition, orthopedic alterations were examined in all patients. We recruited 138 patients (median age=47.6 years; mean BMI=29.9 Kg/m2). Using waist-to-height-ratio, 41.3% of the patients were slim or healthy. The most frequent type of lipedema was Type III (71%), and most were in stage 1 and 2. The features of lipedema with a prevalence >80% were symmetrical involvement, unaffected feet, pain, bruising, vascular spiders, and disproportion. Pain was nociceptive in 60.2% and neuropathic in 33.1%, and there was a reduced social or working activities in 37.9%. Orthopedic alterations including cavusfeet or valgus-knees were observed in 1/3 of the patients. X-ray of the knees was performed in 63 patients and knee osteoarthritis diagnosed in 37. We found that the most frequent manifestations of lipedema were bilateral involvement, unaffected feet, pain, easy bruising, vascular spiders, and disproportion between the upper and lower parts of the body. These should be considered as major criteria for diagnosis. In addition, our findings on the prevalence of orthopedic alterations in patients with lipedema highlights the need for a multidisciplinary and integrated approach.
The aim of the case report was to discuss generalised oedema in a patient with lipoedema and obesity, describing a novel concept of a stage 0 lymphoedema that we denominated as subclinical systemic lymphoedema. A 35-year-old female patient reported to our clinic due to telangiectasia of the lower limbs and leg pain that increased in the heat and when she spend a lot of time in a standing position. The patient had a physical appearance of lipoedema involving the upper and lower limbs associated with a family history o
Abstract Liposuction, a method widely known to be used for esthetic reasons, can have particularly beneficial results in cases of certain pathological conditions. These include gynecomastia, lipomas, lipoedema, axillary hyperhidrosis, hypertrophic insulin lipodystrophy, correction of depressed scars.
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