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  • Lipodystrophy, almost exclusively seen in female patients, causes psychological problems at an early age. In later life, additional complaints are heavy painful legs, edema, and varicose veins. Nearly all patients suffer from alimentary adiposity. Dermolipectomies in general are not advisable because of the resulting large scars and the risk of damaging the lymphatic system. Subcutaneous lipectomy according to the Illouz method can provide good results. Weight loss is a good alternative to liposuction of the upper legs. After sufficient weight loss, only additional liposuction of the trochanteric area and the medial side of the knee is needed. No unpleasant scarring of the leg results. Unfortunately, older patients often require a skin reduction. The results of surgery in the lower legs were, except in 2 patients, good to excellent. The results in the upper legs were disappointing because 9 of 11 patients gained weight again after surgery. Considering this, the preferable treatment now is liposuction of the lower legs, medial side of the knee, and the txochanteric area. Only in cases of ptotic skin on the medial side of the upper legs is skin reduction without lipectomy indicated. Lipodystrophy suggests a disappearance of the subcutaneous fat. When this occurs in the upper part of the body, it is called progressive lipodystrophy. Lipodystrophy is known as an abnormality of the lower half of the female body, swollen by deposition of subcutaneous fat and determined by heredity. It occurs more frequently in the lower social classes and is often accompanied by an alimentary obesity, which is a psychological reaction to the disturbed body image. Nearly all patients have severe feelings of inferiority because people mock and laugh at them; thus, the alimentary component of the obesity is a form of compensation for lack of love. By dieting, the adiposity disappears only partly because the typical deformity of lipodystrophy remains. I believe that in the lipodystrophy patient a lipedema may develop resulting from lymphatic and venous disease, which may arise later in life. Younger patients' complaints are mainly psychological and result from a disturbed body image, whereas older patients are troubled by pain and leg weariness. Treatment consists of dieting, subcutaneous lipectomy by liposuction, and prescription of elastic stockings.

  • An elderly patient with a swollen leg or legs can present a challenging problem in differential diagnosis. Although most swollen legs are the result of congestive heart failure, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, or lymphedema, many other conditions should also be considered.

  • Lipedema is a common disease in the usual clinical practice. None organic description about the clinical symptoms and signs associated to this condition has been published. Fifty women with lipedema have been examined by the authors, and incidence rates of symptoms and signs have been emphasized. The following signs and symptoms were constantly reported: "Egyptian column", elastic edema, negative Stemmer's sign, alterated plantar support, cutaneous hypothermia. Some others were frequently found: ecchymosis, spontaneous pain, liposclerosis on the thigh, hypodermic hyperalgesia and pain on the internal face of the knee. Moreover, the two most relevant differential diagnosis as well as their two variant's clinical features (mixed lipedema and "thin women" lipedema) have been described.

  • The use of a single axial slice through the mid calf in the differential diagnosis of a swollen leg is described. This is a very simple quick non-invasive investigation. Venous obstruction results in an increase in the cross sectional area of the muscle compartment. The subcutaneous fat layer is normally homogeneous; in obesity or lipoedema it is increased but remains homogeneous. In lymphoedema fluid collects in the interstitial spaces which become very prominent on CT images. In chronic lymphoedema a honeycomb pattern is seen as a result of increase in the interstitial tissue due to fibrosis. Popliteal cyst extensions result in fluid collections between muscle planes. Haematomas have higher attenuation, and are intramuscular. The findings in 64 patients and 10 controls are presented and the literature is reviewed.

Last update from database: 3/14/25, 8:40 AM (UTC)
