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Lipedema is a chronic adipose tissue disorder affecting approximately 11% of women worldwide. The illness is often misdiagnosed as obesity, and because of this, women often struggle in meetings with healthcare providers. Few studies have assessed these encounters of younger women with lipedema. The aims of this qualitative study were to explore women’s experiences in meetings with healthcare providers and the importance of social support and belonging, with a focus on younger women. Fifteen women with lipedema between the ages of 21 and 47 years (mean age 36.2 years) were interviewed. The results indicated that women felt stigmatized by healthcare providers and that younger women in their 20s and early 30s struggled more often than women of higher age when receiving their diagnosis. The feeling of shame and stigma were also dependent on the woman’s resources in handling the illness. The younger women reported that their self-confidence and romantic relationships were challenging. Social support and the feeling of belonging through romantic relationships or support groups were important resources for managing the illness. Highlighting the experiences of women may aid in increasing recognition and knowledge of lipedema. This in turn may reduce the stigma and lead to equitable healthcare services.
The aim was to analyze the effect of compression tights on skin temperature in women with lipedema and to assess the effect of different knitting on skin temperature. Twenty-four women with lipedema (Grade I = 25%; Grade II = 75%) were divided into three groups according to the compression tights prototype assigned: control (n = 9), Flat (n = 7) and circular (n = 8). The participants performed a gait test two times, separated by 15 days: before wearing the tights of the study and after the treatment (15 days employing compression tights). Skin temperature was measured using infrared thermography before and after the gait test on both days, and six regions of interest were determined in the anterior and posterior leg. The skin temperature decreased in the different regions of interest after exercise in all the groups (e.g., anterior thigh (IC95% (−1.1, −0.7 °C) p < 0.001), but no differences were observed in skin temperature between groups before and after walking (p > 0.05). The use of compressing tights for 15 days does not alter skin temperature in women with lipedema before and after walking. The absence of differences in skin temperature between tights in the different assessments allows for obtaining the benefits of wearing compression tights during exercise without negative thermal effects.
Introduction: The pathologic features of fatty tissue in lipedema are often challenging to diagnose, thus allowing for variable bias and leading to underdiagnosis. Lipedema is a disease that is currently little known worldwide, but it represents a public health problem and demands immediate, well-directed healthcare. Insufficient scientific information limits medical action, which limits making diagnoses and addressing an adequate multidisciplinary treatment. This study aims to evaluate the current state of lipedema in Spain to contextualize the disease’s pathophysiological characteristics and thus achieve a consensus that unifies and defines its diagnostic criteria and medical management. Likewise, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of the various treatments applied to the study patients and to evaluate the consequences of the pandemic related to this disease. Material and methods: The present work is a descriptive, cross-sectional study that analyzed online questionnaires. It was applied to 1069 patients and collected over 9 months between 2021 and 2022. The questionnaires were distributed to the leading national and regional associations of patients affected by lipedema. The study included all patients in a group who had a diagnosis of lipedema and in a group of undiagnosed patients with six or more symptoms. The variables analyzed were age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), type of lipedema (according to Schingale’s classification), symptoms (according to Wolf’s classification, modified by Herbst), and treatments performed (physiotherapy, compression garments, sports, diet, radiofrequency, mesotherapy, and surgery), associated with the score given by the patients regarding the degree of improvement in their disease with each of these treatments. Results: There were 967 women and 2 men between 18 and 75 years old (mean of 38.5 years); a body weight between 33 and 150 kg (mean 75.8 kg); a height between 144 and 180 cm (mean 164 cm); and an average body mass index (BMI) of 28.1. The most common kind of lipedema in our study population was type III (affecting the hips, thighs, and calves). The treatment that individually improved patients’ quality of life the most was surgery, only surpassed by the multidisciplinary approach to the disease, including conservative measures. Conclusions: With this study, we can conclude that, in Spain, there is a real problem associated with the diagnosis of lipedema, specifying the need to seek this diagnosis actively and propose multidisciplinary management, since it offers the best overall results, of course not without forgetting that surgery is one of the most critical pillars in the approach to this disease. Consistent with the results obtained in this study, criteria were proposed and applied to represent a statistical value at the time of ruling on the clinical diagnosis of lipedema, considering that a patient who presents six or more of these diagnostic criteria, with a very high probability, will have lipedema.
The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of defocused and radial shock wave therapy, mesotherapy, and kinesio taping on pain, circumferences of lower limbs, echographic/ elastosonographic pattern of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), and quality of life in patients with lipedema. Fifteen women affected by lower limb lipedema in stage II were treated with shock wave therapy, mesotherapy, and kinesio taping on thighs and legs (eight sessions, twice a week). The primary outcome was pain, as assessed by Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Secondary outcomes included the limb circumferences measurements, the SF-12 Health Survey for quality of life, the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) for disability, and echographic/ elastosonographic changes of SAT. Significant reductions of pain and circumference measurements were seen in patients at each follow up. This was associated with significant reduction of thickness, echographic pattern improvement, and increased elasticity of SAT, with consequent positive impact on the quality of life and disability reported by the patients. The results demonstrate improved clinical and functional ultrasound findings in patients affected by lipedema in the early stages of lower limbs, and this combination therapy needs to be investigated in larger populations at multiple centers to confirm the findings.
Lipedema is a chronic and progressive adipose tissue disorder, characterized by the painful and disproportionate increase of the subcutaneous fat in the lower and/or upper extremities. While distinct immune cell infiltration is a known hallmark of the disease, its role in the onset and development of lipedema remains unclear. To analyze the macrophage composition and involved signaling pathways, anatomically matched lipedema and control tissue samples were collected intra-operatively from gender- and BMI-matched patients, and the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) was used for Cytometry by Time-of-Flight (CyTOF) and RNA sequencing. The phenotypic characterization of the immune component of lipedema versus control SVF using CyTOF revealed significantly increased numbers of CD163 macrophages. To gain further insight into this macrophage composition and molecular pathways, RNA sequencing of isolated CD11b+ cells was performed. The analysis suggested a significant modification of distinct gene ontology clusters in lipedema, including cytokine-mediated signaling activity, interleukin-1 receptor activity, extracellular matrix organization, and regulation of androgen receptor signaling. As distinct macrophage populations are known to affect adipose tissue differentiation and metabolism, we evaluated the effect of M2 to M1 macrophage polarization in lipedema using the selective PI3Kγ inhibitor IPI-549. Surprisingly, the differentiation of adipose tissue-derived stem cells with conditioned medium from IPI-549 treated SVF resulted in a significant decreased accumulation of lipids in lipedema versus control SVF. In conclusion, our results indicate that CD163+ macrophages are a critical component in lipedema and re-polarization of lipedema macrophages can normalize the differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells in vitro evaluated by the cellular lipid accumulation. These data open a new chapter in understanding lipedema pathophysiology and may indicate potential treatment options.
OBJECTIVE: Does short-term use of pneumatic compression devices (PCD) and off-the-shelf compression alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life in women with lipedema and secondary lipolymphedema? METHODS: Prospective, randomized controlled, industry-sponsored, proof-in-principle study comparing PCD plus conservative care (PCD+CC) to CC alone (control). Adult females with bilateral lipedema and secondary lymphedema were randomized to PCD+CC or CC. Outcome measures were lower limb and truncal circumferential measurements, bioimpedance, and quality-of-life, symptom, and pain intensity questionnaires. RESULTS: Both groups experienced improvements in leg circumference and bioimpedance with more improvement in the PCD+CC group than the CC group. Pain scores of the SF-36 survey and numerical rating scales were improved in the PCD+CC group. Wong-Baker Faces scores showed trends toward improvement in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: This proof-in-principle study supports conservative management with graduated compression and with or without PCD for improvement in leg circumference, bioimpedance measurements, and pain in patients with lipedema.
Lipoedema is a chronic disease in adipose tissue that almost exclusively affects women during periods of hormonal alterations. Its main symptoms include an abnormal accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the buttock, hips, and legs, which is associated with pain, swelling, and easy bruising. Herein, a grading in three stages is used to determine disease progression. Problematically, lipoedema manifestations are often confused with lifestyle-induced obesity, which is why the various health problems among affected women often remain unrecognized. Overall, research on lipoedema is scarce. As such, this study examined the health, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and sense of coherence (SOC) among women with lipoedema.
Lipedema is a common disorder characterized by excessive deposition of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in the legs, hips, and buttocks, mainly occurring in adult women. Although it appears to be heritable, no specific genes have yet been identified. To identify potential genetic risk factors for lipedema, we used bioelectrical impedance analysis and anthropometric data from the UK Biobank to identify women with and without a lipedema phenotype. Specifically, we identified women with both a high percentage of fat in the lower limbs and a relatively small waist, adjusting for hip circumference. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for this phenotype, and performed multiple sensitivity GWAS. In an independent case/control study of lipedema based on strict clinical criteria, we attempted to replicate our top hits. We identified 18 significant loci (p < 5 × 10−9), several of which have previously been identified in GWAS of waist-to-hip ratio with larger effects in women. Two loci (VEGFA and GRB14-COBLL1) were significantly associated with lipedema in the independent replication study. Follow-up analyses suggest an enrichment of genes expressed in blood vessels and adipose tissue, among other tissues. Our findings provide a starting point towards better understanding the genetic and physiological basis of lipedema.
In this study an analysis of identified ICG lymphography features of the superficial lymphatics of the lower extremity was undertaken [Table 2.2]. The absence or presence and extent of the superficial lymphatics in the limb with LLLE was assessed to identify if any of these features or combination of features were significantly associated with particular diagnostic groups of primary or secondary cancer related or secondary non-cancer related LLLE. ICG lymphography studies undertaken by the researcher (submitted for publication) had identified two compensatory lymph drainage regions, the contralateral inguinal and axillo-inguinal nodal regions, associated with secondary cancer related LLLE which were not seen or very rarely seen in clinically diagnosed primary LLLE and less so in secondary non-cancer related LLLE. Conversely, retrograde flow in lymph vessels demonstrated during the ICG lymphography procedure was not seen in secondary cancer related LLLE. These observations provided a background rationale to exploring the diagnostic capacity of ICG lymphography in LLLE. One purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of using ICG lymphography features as a diagnostic tool. It was hoped that identified ICG lymphographic features would allow the individual presenting with persistent leg swelling of unknown causation to be able to be advised that their condition is most likely a secondary non cancer related LLLE rather than an adult onset primary LE and therefore be possibly less likely to progress or deteriorate. This may potentially provide better prognostic information and improve individualised therapeutic plans of management and support compliance (Pigott, 2021). The aim of Part A of this study was to identify the prevalence and characteristics of ICG lymphography features of the lymph vessels, position and extent of DBF and drainage patterns. In addition, Part B of this study was to explore whether using the ALERT standardised ICG lymphography technique and a structured analysis of ICG lymphography features could be translated into a simple score to distinguish the ICG pattern of adult onset primary LLLE from secondary non-cancer related LLLE.
INTRODUCTION: Lipedema is a poorly known condition. Diagnosis is based almost exclusively on clinical criteria, which may be subjective and not always reliable. This study aimed to investigate regional body composition (BC) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in patients with lipedema and healthy controls and to determine cut-off values of fat mass (FM) indices to provide an additional tool for the diagnosis and staging of this condition. METHODS: This study is a single-center case-control study performed at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Women with clinically diagnosed lipedema underwent regional BC assessment by DXA. The control group without clinical lipedema was matched for age and body mass index (BMI) at a ratio of 1:2 and underwent similar examination. Regional FM (legs, arms, legs and arms, trunk, android and gynoid FM) was measured in (kg) and divided by FM index (FMI) (kg/m2) and total FM (kg). The trunk/legs and android/gynoid ratios were calculated. For all indices of FM distribution showing a significant difference between cases and controls, we defined the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, calculating the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and Youden's index. Types and stages of lipedema were compared in terms of FM indices. Correlation analyses between all FM distribution indices and lipedema stages were performed. RESULTS: We included 222 women (74 with lipedema and 148 controls). Overall, the mean age was 41 years (standard deviation [SD] 11), and mean BMI was 30.9 kg/m2 (SD 7.6). A statistically significant difference was observed for all DXA-derived indices of FM distribution between groups, except for arm FM indices. The ROC curve analysis of leg FM/total FM, as a potential indicator of lipedema, resulted in an AUC of 0.90 (95% confidence interval 0.86-0.94). According to Youden's index, optimal cut-off value identifying lipedema was 0.384. Sensitivity and specificity were 0.95 and 0.73, respectively. We found no significant differences between lipedema types and stages in terms of FM indices, nor significant correlations between the latter and lipedema stages. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: BC assessment by DXA, and particularly calculation of the leg FM/total FM index, is a simple tool that may help clinicians rule out lipedema in doubtful cases.
Lipoedema is a chronic adipose tissue disorder mainly affecting women, causing excess subcutaneous fat deposition on the lower limbs with pain and tenderness. There is often a family history of lipoedema, suggesting a genetic origin, but the contribution of genetics is currently unclear. A tightly phenotyped cohort of 200 lipoedema patients was recruited from two UK specialist clinics. Objective clinical characteristics and measures of quality of life data were obtained. In an attempt to understand the genetic architecture of the disease better, genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data were obtained, and a genome wide association study (GWAS) was performed on 130 of the recruits. The analysis revealed genetic loci suggestively associated with the lipoedema phenotype, with further support provided by an independent cohort taken from the 100,000 Genomes Project. The top SNP rs1409440 (ORmeta ≈ 2.01, Pmeta ≈ 4 x 10–6) is located upstream of LHFPL6, which is thought to be involved with lipoma formation. Exactly how this relates to lipoedema is not yet understood. This first GWAS of a UK lipoedema cohort has identified genetic regions of suggestive association with the disease. Further replication of these findings in different populations is warranted.
Lipedema may be considered a model for healthy expandability of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). This condition is characterized by the disproportional and symmetrical SAT accumulation in the lower-body parts and extremities, avoiding the abdominal area. There are no circulating biomarkers facilitating the diagnosis of lipedema. We tested the hypothesis that women living with lipedema present a distinct pattern of circulating parameters compared to age- and BMI-matched women. In 26 women (Age 48.3 ± 13.9 years, BMI 32.6 ± 5.8 kg/m2; lipedema group: n=13; control group: n=13), we assessed circulating parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, sex hormones and a proteomics panel. We find that women with lipedema have better glucose metabolism regulation represented by lower HbA1c (5.55 ± 0.62%) compared to controls (6.73 ± 0.85%; p<0.001); and higher adiponectin levels (lipedema: 4.69 ± 1.99 mmol/l; control: 3.28 ± 1.00 mmol/l; p=0.038). Despite normal glycemic parameters, women with lipedema have significantly higher levels of total cholesterol (5.84 ± 0.70 mmol/L vs 4.55 ± 0.77 mmol/L in control; p<0.001), LDL-C (3.38 ± 0.68 mmol/L vs 2.38 ± 0.66 mmol/L in control; p=0.002), as well as higher circulating inflammation (top 6 based on p-values: TNFSF14, CASP8, EN-RAGE, EIF4EBP1, ADA, MCP-1) and oxidative stress markers (malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and catalase). Our findings suggest that the expected association between activation of inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways and impaired glucose metabolism are counterbalanced by protective factors in lipedema.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to define outcomes after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in lymphoedema and lipoedema patients managed by a multidisciplinary team and daily compression bandaging. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in a single centre. Between 2007 and 2018, 36 TKA procedures were performed on 28 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of lymphoedema and lipoedema. Oxford Knee Scores (OKS), EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) scores, satisfaction scores, radiographs, and complications were obtained at the final follow-up. Patients were admitted to the hospital up to two weeks prior to surgery and remained on the ward for daily compression bandaging by the specialist lymphoedema team. RESULTS: Over the study period, 36 TKAs were performed on 28 patients (5 males, 23 females) with a mean age of 71 years (range 54-90). Of these, 30 TKAs were in patients with lymphoedema, five with lipoedema, and one with a dual diagnosis. Overall, 28 TKAs (21 patients) were available at the final follow-up with a mean follow-up time of 61 months (range 9-138). The mean BMI was 38.5 kg/m2. The mean pre-operative and post-operative Oxford Knee Score increased from 18 (range 2-38) to 29 (range 10-54); p < 0.001. EQ-5D score increased from 0.48 (range 0.15-0.80) to 0.74 (0.34-1.00) (p < 0.001). Mean post-operative satisfaction was 7.6/10 (range 2-10), with 89.3% TKAs satisfied. Complications were one (4%, 1/28) deep vein thrombosis, one superficial wound infection, one prosthetic joint infection, one stiff knee requiring manipulation, and one intra-operative femoral fracture. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoedema and lipoedema should not be seen as barriers to TKA if adopting a multidisciplinary approach.
Lipedema is a disease with abnormally increased adipose tissue deposition and distribution. Pain sensations have been described in the clinical evaluation of lipedema, but its etiology remains poorly understood. We hypothesized that pain sensitivity measurements and ex vivo quantitation of neuronal cell body distribution in the skin would be lipedema stage-dependent, and could, thus, serve to objectively characterize neuropathic pain in lipedema. The pain was assessed by questionnaire and peripheral cutaneous mechanical sensitization (von-Frey) in lipedema (n = 27) and control (n = 23) consenting female volunteers. Dermal biopsies from (n = 11) Stages 1–3 lipedema and control (n = 10) participants were characterized for neuronal cell body and nociceptive neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and nerve growth factor (NGF) distribution. Stage 2 or 3 lipedema participants responded positively to von Frey sensitization in the calf and thigh, and Stage 3 participants also responded in the arm. Lipedema abdominal skin displayed reduced Tuj-1+ neuronal cell body density, compared to healthy controls, while CGRP and NGF was significantly elevated in Stage 3 lipedema tissues. Together, dermal neuronal cell body loss is consistent with hyper-sensitization in patients with lipedema. Further study of neuropathic pain in lipedema may elucidate underlying disease mechanisms and inform lipedema clinical management and treatment impact.
INTRODUCTION: The lower limbs are a common body site affected by chronic edema. Imaging examination of the lymphatic system is useful to diagnose lymphoedema, identify structural changes in individuals, and guide interventional strategies. In this study, we used a protocol combining indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography and ICG-guided manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) for the diagnostic assessment of lower limb lymphoedema. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with lower limb lymphoedema were divided into three groups by their medical history: primary, secondary cancer-related, or secondary non-cancer-related. ICG lymphography was conducted in three phases: initial observation, MLD to accelerate ICG dye transit and reduce imaging time, and imaging data collection. Lymphatic drainage regions were recorded, and the MD Anderson Cancer Center ICG staging was applied. We collected routine lymphoedema assessment data, including limb volume and bioimpedance spectroscopy measurements. RESULTS: Three hundred and twenty-six lower limbs that underwent ICG lymphography were analyzed. Eight drainage regions were identified. The ipsilateral inguinal and popliteal were recognized as the original regions, and the remaining six regions were considered compensatory regions that occur only in lymphoedema. More than half of the secondary cancer-related lower limb lymphoedema (57.6%) continued to drain to the ipsilateral inguinal region. The incidence of drainage to the ipsilateral inguinal region was even higher for the primary (82.8%) and secondary non-cancer-related (87.1%) groups. Significant associations were observed between cancer-related lymphoedema and the presence of compensatory drainage regions. CONCLUSIONS: We proposed a prospective ICG lymphography protocol for the diagnostic assessment of lower limb lymphoedema in combination with MLD. Eight drainage regions were identified, including two original and six compensatory regions.
OBJECTIVES: To contribute to a more in-depth assessment of shape, volume, and asymmetry of the lower extremities in patients with lipedema or lymphedema utilizing volume information from MR imaging. METHODS: A deep learning (DL) pipeline was developed including (i) localization of anatomical landmarks (femoral heads, symphysis, knees, ankles) and (ii) quality-assured tissue segmentation to enable standardized quantification of subcutaneous (SCT) and subfascial tissue (SFT) volumes. The retrospectively derived dataset for method development consisted of 45 patients (42 female, 44.2 ± 14.8 years) who underwent clinical 3D DIXON MR-lymphangiography examinations of the lower extremities. Five-fold cross-validated training was performed on 16,573 axial slices from 40 patients and testing on 2187 axial slices from 5 patients. For landmark detection, two EfficientNet-B1 convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were applied in an ensemble. One determines the relative foot-head position of each axial slice with respect to the landmarks by regression, the other identifies all landmarks in coronal reconstructed slices using keypoint detection. After landmark detection, segmentation of SCT and SFT was performed on axial slices employing a U-Net architecture with EfficientNet-B1 as encoder. Finally, the determined landmarks were used for standardized analysis and visualization of tissue volume, distribution, and symmetry, independent of leg length, slice thickness, and patient position. RESULTS: Excellent test results were observed for landmark detection (z-deviation = 4.5 ± 3.1 mm) and segmentation (Dice score: SCT = 0.989 ± 0.004, SFT = 0.994 ± 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed DL pipeline allows for standardized analysis of tissue volume and distribution and may assist in diagnosis of lipedema and lymphedema or monitoring of conservative and surgical treatments. KEY POINTS: • Efficient use of volume information that MRI inherently provides can be extracted automatically by deep learning and enables in-depth assessment of tissue volumes in lipedema and lymphedema. • The deep learning pipeline consisting of body part regression, keypoint detection, and quality-assured tissue segmentation provides detailed information about the volume, distribution, and asymmetry of lower extremity tissues, independent of leg length, slice thickness, and patient position.
PURPOSE: Lipoedema is a progressive adipose (fat) disorder, and little is known about its psychological effect. This study aimed to determine the experiences of physical and mental health and health care across stages of lipoedema. METHODS: Cross-sectional, secondary data from an anonymous survey (conducted 2014-2015) in Dutch and English in those with self-reported lipoedema were used (N = 1,362, Mdnage = 41-50 years old, 80.2% diagnosed). χ2 analyses of categorical data assessed lipoedema stage groups 'Stage 1-2' (N = 423), 'Stages 3-4' (N = 474) and 'Stage Unknown' (N = 406) experiences of health (physical and psychological), and health care. RESULTS: Compared to 'Stage 1-2', 'Stage 3-4' reported more loss of mobility (p = < .001), pain (p = < .001), fatigue (p = .002), problems at work (p = < .001) and were seeking treatment to improve physical functioning (p = < .001) more frequently. 'Stage 3-4' were more likely to report their GP did not have knowledge of lipoedema, did not take them seriously, gave them diet and lifestyle advice, dismissed lipoedema, and treated them 'badly' due to overweight/lipoedema compared to 'Stage 1-2' (p = < .001). 'Stage 3-4' were more likely to report depression (p = < .001), emotional lability (p = .033) eating disorders (p = .018) and feeling lonelier, more fearful, and stayed at home more (p = < .001) and less likely to have visited a psychologist (p = < .001) compared to 'Stage 1-2'. CONCLUSIONS: A divergent pattern of physical and psychological experiences between lipoedema stages reflects physical symptom differences and differences in psychological symptoms and health care experiences. These findings increase the understanding of lipoedema symptoms to inform psychological supports for women with lipoedema in navigating chronic health care management.
Background: Lipedema is a distinct adipose disorder from obesity necessitating awareness as well as different management approaches to address pain and optimize quality of life (QoL). The purpose of this proof-of-principle study is to evaluate the therapeutic potential of physical therapy interventions in women with lipedema. Methods and Results: Participants with Stage 1-2 lipedema and early Stage 0-1 lymphedema (n = 5, age = 38.4 ± 13.4 years, body mass index = 27.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2) underwent nine visits of physical therapy in 6 weeks for management of symptoms impacting functional mobility and QoL. Pre- and post-therapy, participants were scanned with 3 Tesla sodium and water magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), underwent biophysical measurements, and completed questionnaires measuring function and QoL (patient-specific functional scale, PSFS, and RAND-36). Pain was measured at each visit using the 0-10 visual analog scale (VAS). Treatment effect was calculated for all study variables. The primary symptomatology measures of pain and function revealed clinically significant post-treatment improvements and large treatment effects (Cohen's d for pain VAS = -2.5 and PSFS = 4.4). The primary sodium MRI measures, leg skin sodium, and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) sodium, reduced following treatment and revealed large treatment effects (Cohen's d for skin sodium = -1.2 and SAT sodium = -0.9). Conclusions: This proof-of-principle study provides support that persons with lipedema can benefit from physical therapy to manage characteristic symptoms of leg pain and improve QoL. Objective MRI measurement of reduced tissue sodium in the skin and SAT regions indicates reduced inflammation in the treated limbs. Further research is warranted to optimize the conservative therapy approach in lipedema, a condition for which curative and disease-modifying treatments are unavailable.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) on the insulin resistance parameter (HOMA-IR), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), C-peptide, insulin, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2h-post-loadglucose (2h-PG) and the concentration of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in patients with abnormal body mass index. The study involved 30 patients, including patients with normal body weight (as a control group; group I; n = 14), overweight patients (group II; n = 9) and obese patients (group III; n = 7). Each patient underwent 10 sessions of MLD therapy, 3 times a week for 30 min. In addition, we measured body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and performed body composition analysis as well as biochemical tests before MLD therapy (stage 0') and after MLD therapy (stage 1'). A statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between the concentration of C-peptide, BMI, the amount of visceral adipose tissue (r = 0.87, p = 0.003; r = 0.76, p = 0.003, respectively), and the HOMA-IR index, BMI and the amount of visceral adipose tissue (r = 0.86, p = 0.005; r = 0.84, p = 0.042, respectively), before and after MLD therapy. In overweight patients (group II), a statistically significant (p = 0.041) decrease in the hsCRP level by 2.9 mg/L and a significant (p = 0.050) decrease in the 2h-PG level by 12 mg/dL after the MLD therapy was detected. Moreover, in the group of obese patients (group III), a statistically significant (p = 0.013) decrease in HbA1c level by 0.2% after MLD therapy was demonstrated. Our results indicate that MLD may have a positive effect on selected biochemical parameters, with the most favorable changes in overweight patients. Further studies in a larger number of patients are warranted to confirm our findings, to test in-depth their mechanism, and to investigate clinical benefits of this alternative therapy in patients with abnormal body mass index.
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