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  • (1) Background: Lipoedema is a disease characterized by excessive bilateral and symmetrical accumulation of subcutaneous tissue in the lower extremities. It is a poorly understood condition, and low awareness of its existence often leads to incorrect diagnosis Initially, lipoedema was considered to be completely independent of lifestyle Currently, however, more and more cases of the coexistence of lipoedema and obesity are described in the literature as additionally affecting the severity of the disease The aim of the review is to present lipoedema as a social problem. (2) Methods: Materials on lipoedema in the social context were selected from 2018-2021. The PRISMA-Scr checklist was used in the review. (3) Results: Research has shown that more than 3/4 of patients with lipoedema are also overweight or obese. Patients with lipoedema have many comorbidities, and their presence negatively affects the quality of life. The quality of life in patients with lipoedema is lower than in healthy patients. (4) Conclusions: The number of studies available on lipoedema is low. Obesity is common in patients with lipoedema. Mental disorders increase the level of experienced pain. Lipoedema significantly reduces quality of life. A healthy lifestyle in patients with lipoedema could be helpful for prevention of complications and disability.

  • Lipedema is a chronic, progressive disease that almost exclusively affects women and often misdiagnosed as obesity or primary lymphedema. Research concerning lipedema is sparse, and there is a lack of studies focusing on women's experiences of living with the illness. We interviewed fourteen women with lipedema with the aim of describing their experiences of living with lipedema. Our results show that women felt controlled by their body, and were fat-shamed and viewed by others as a person who lacked character. They received unsupportive advice on how to manage from healthcare, and blamed themselves while striving to take responsibility.

  • Background:  Lipedema is a loose connective tissue disease affecting the limbs of women, that is difficult to lose by diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery. Publications from Europe demonstrate that lipedema reduction surgery improves quality of life for women with lipedema. There are no comparable studies in the United States (USA). The aim of this study was to collect data from women with lipedema in the USA who have undergone lipedema reduction surgery in the USA to determine if quality of life, pain, and other measures improved after lipedema reduction surgery. Methods:  Subjects were recruited and consented online for a 166-item questionnaire in REDCap. In total, 148 women answered the questionnaire after undergoing lipedema reduction surgery in the USA. Significance set at P < 0.05 was determined by ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison test, or paired t-test. Results:  Quality of life improved in 84% and pain improved in 86% of patients. Ambulation improved most in lipedema Stage 3 (96%). Weight loss occurred in all stages by 3 months after surgery. Complications included growth of loose connective tissue within and outside treated areas, tissue fibrosis, anemia, blood clots, and lymphedema. Conclusions:  Women with lipedema noticed significant benefits after lipedema reduction surgery in the USA. Prospective studies are needed to assess benefits and complications after lipedema reduction surgery in the USA.

  • Resumen Introducción El lipedema es el depósito de tejido graso doloroso fundamentalmente en miembros inferiores. Afecta casi siempre a mujeres, y está infradiagnosticado e infratratado. El objetivo del estudio es describir las características del diagnóstico y los tipos de tratamientos realizados por los pacientes con lipedema en España. Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo transversal mediante encuesta online anónima realizada entre noviembre-diciembre 2019. Se calculó el tamaño muestral mínimo para un nivel de confianza del 95% y margen de error del 5%. Se recogieron las variables sociodemográficas (edad, sexo y comunidad de residencia), aspectos diagnósticos y la mejoría percibida con diferentes opciones de tratamiento. Resultados Se obtuvieron 463 respuestas válidas. La edad media de inicio de la sintomatología fue de 18,2 años (DE: 9,0). El 69% de los pacientes comenzaron con clínica entre los 10-19 años. Transcurrieron 19,9 años (DE: 10,1) desde el inicio de la clínica, y se necesitaron 4,9 visitas médicas (DE: 3,3) para obtener un diagnóstico. El diagnóstico se realizó con más frecuencia en la medicina privada por cirujanos. El 78,4% de los pacientes probaron, al menos, 3 tipos diferentes de tratamientos. La pérdida de peso fue el tratamiento más utilizado y las prendas de compresión la opción percibida como más efectiva. Un 34% de los pacientes tienen acceso a la prescripción de prendas de compresión. Conclusiones Actualmente el lipedema carece de un tratamiento estandarizado, y las diferentes terapias realizadas no son percibidas como satisfactorias por los pacientes. Es necesario mejorar su conocimiento para obtener un diagnóstico temprano y proporcionar a los pacientes tratamientos adecuados. Introduction Lipedema is a chronic and progressive disease. Most studies agree that it is underdiagnosed and undertreated. The aim of this study was to identify the diagnostic characteristics and types of treatment for lipedema in the Spanish population. Material and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out through an anonymous 10-item online survey in November- December 2019. The minimum sample size was calculated for a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error. Information was collected on sociodemographic variables (age, sex, place of residence), diagnostic characteristics and perceived improvement with distinct treatment options. Results A total of 463 valid responses were obtained. The mean age at first manifestation was 18.2 (SD: 9.0) years. Onset occurred between the ages of 10 and 19 years in 69% of the patients. It took an average of 19.9 (SD: 10.1) years to receive a diagnosis and 4.9 medical visits. Diagnosis was most frequently made in private clinics by surgeons. Most patients (78.4%) had tried at least three different types of treatment. Weight loss was the most frequent treatment (92%) and compression garments were perceived to be the most effective. Only 34% of respondents had access to financing for compression garments. Conclusions Currently, there is no standard treatment for lipedema and patients perceive current treatments to be unsatisfactory. Better knowledge of this entity is needed to allow early diagnosis and provide adequate treatment.

Last update from database: 3/12/25, 8:25 AM (UTC)