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  • Einleitung: Bei einem Lipödem liegt eine anlagebedingte Fettgewebsvermehrung vor, bei der es zu einer symmetrischen Verdickung der Extremitäten kommt. Klinisch ist für das Lipödem eine Druckschmerzhaftigkeit charakteristisch. Bei länger bestehendem Lipödem kann man beobachten, dass bei einem Teil der Patientinnen zusätzliche Beschwerden auftreten. Die betroffenen Frauen erleben auf Grund der massiven Schwellungen dann, neben einem ausgeprägten Spannungs- und Schweregefühl der Beine, physische und psychische Belastungen, wodurch Sportangebote häufig nicht wahrgenommen werden und die soziale Interaktionen eingeschränkt ist. Studiendesign: Die vorliegende prospektive randomisierte Studie wurde zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit eines vibrationsgestützten Krafttrainings mit dem Galileo-System im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Training zur Aktivierung der Beinmuskelpumpe bei Patientinnen mit Lipödem durchgeführt. Die Probanden beider Gruppen erhielten 12 Anwendungen in einem Zeitraum von sechs Wochen. Zur Beurteilung des Therapieverlaufs wurde die Druckschmerzschwelle im Beinbereich mithilfe der visuellen Analogskala (VAS) und der Dolorimetrie an definierten Messpunkten erfasst. Nebenzielkriterien waren die Volumenreduktion und die Verbesserung funktioneller Parameter sowie der Lebensqualität. Die Erhebung der Outcomeparameter erfolgte vor der Intervention (U1), vor der letzen Trainingseinheit (U2) und 6 Wochen nach Therapieende (U3). Ergebnisse: Das Vibrationstraining (n=27) und die Venengymnastik (n=17) zeigten bezüglich der Schmerzlinderung signifikante Verbesserungen im Therapieverlauf. Die Druckschmerzschwelle konnte erhöht werden. Die Auswertung der Fragebögen zu Hämatomneigung und Schmerzempfinden ergab in der Interventionsgruppe eine signifikante Beschwerdelinderung im Therapieverlauf. In beiden Gruppen konnte eine subjektive Verbesserung der Mobilität und ein positiver Einfluss auf die Lebensstiländerung verzeichnet werden. Die im Gehtest beurteilte Ausdauerleistung verbesserte sich ebenfalls. Diskussion: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl mit herkömmlicher Krankengymnastik als auch durch ein gerätegestütztes Vibrationstraining zwei wesentliche Symptome des Lipödems, nämlich Druckschmerzhaftigkeit und Hämatomneigung, positiv beeinflusst werden können. Somit lässt sich die Notwendigkeit unterstreichen, dass eine Therapie des Lipödems durch eine Bewegungstherapie ergänzt werden sollte.

  • The challenges of providing effective treatment for patients with lymphoedema-related disorders have never been more prominent. Conservative management of lymphoedema remains of central importance, however, there is increasing evidence that other therapies, such as surgical approaches, may have an important part to play in the arena of treatment. The findings from these proceedings highlight the potential role that surgical approaches, including liposuction, can have in transforming the lives of patients. Conservative approaches, while effective in many patients, do not provide a solution for some of the complex issues patients face, nor do they always provide sustained results even after periods of expensive, intensive treatment. Relatively little attention has been placed on the impact that lymphatic conditions have on the lives of patients and their families. However, research is beginning to show that patients’ health-related quality of life is significantly affected and that previously dismissed symptoms, such as pain, are a feature of the condition. Lymphoedema and lipoedema are both likely to have a deleterious effect on the body image of patients who live day-to-day with distorted limbs. Treatments such as liposuction have the potential to reverse some of the crippling effects of these disorders on the psychosocial health of patients. The indications from these proceedings are that this is an important and encouraging area of practice that must be considered as part of the armoury of treatment. Liposuction has often been viewed negatively by the lymphoedema community, who have been sceptical about its value and concerned for its safety. This document shows that when it is used appropriately, by well trained surgeons, it can be very effective. In fact, the area of liposuction now has a growing evidence base that rivals many of the other conservative areas of lymphoedema management. Management of lymphatic conditions demands that the professional groups begin to work together in a more collaborative way in order to develop treatments that really address the growing number of patients with these types of conditions.

  • Knowledge of both the morphology/ pathomorphology and physiology/pathophysiology of adipose tissue is limited and the behaviour of fat tissue has not been widely researched. Changes in adipose tissue (hyperplasia, hypertrophy and atrophy) are defined differently and, as a consequence, diagnostic failures frequently occur. Figure 1 shows the complicated regulatory mechanisms which are responsible for lipolysis and lipogenesis. Even if body weight is normal, appearance depends on the distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue (Figure 2) . The amount of fat we carry and how we look are, in part, subject to fashion. What was still sexy several decades ago, a bigger waist and more on the hips, no longer corresponds to how we see perfection today. Figure 2 shows the different ideals of beauty — ‘Wonderwoman’, for example, where you can detect as little fat as possible. Recently, there has been a mania for slimness. In order to comply with the current trend in fashion, young girls starve or undergo surgical procedures to have the typical female fatty tissue removed.

  • Lipoedema is a disease characterised by an abnormal, circumscribed accumulation of subcutaneous fat, mainly in the lower extremities, in combination with oedema. This results in an obvious disproportion between the upper and lower half of the body, as well as pain (Figure 1). Although lipoedema was first described in 1940 by Allen and Hines in the United States of America, the discussion still continues today as to whether this disease really is an entity, with some clinicians even doubting that it exists. In the 1940s it was described as a symmetrical subcutaneous deposition of fat in the buttocks and lower legs, together with an accumulation of fluid that begins almost imperceptibly, progressing gradually. Lipoedema was often associated with weight gain and accentuated by orthostatic activity.

  • Lymphoedema is a debilitating, progressive and incurable pathological condition caused by a chronic imbalance between the production and transport of lymph within the lymphatic system. There are many reasons for this damage or disruption to the lymphatic system. Lymphoedema results in significant physical and psychological morbidity. Approximately 140–250 million people worldwide are affected by this condition, mostly in developing countries as a result of lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic infection transmitted by mosquitoes. In the majority of cases, treatment is non-curative, complex and requires a multidisciplinary clinical approach. Surgery takes place as a last resort when conservative treatment has proven ineffective to restore function, reduce comorbidity or the frequency of erysipelas attacks.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)
