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Lipedema is a disproportional obesity featuring frequent hematoma formation due to even minor traumatic injuries. On the basis of clinical observations, complete decongestive physiotherapy diminishes the incidence of hematomas due to minor injuries beyond leg volume reduction. Hematoma development may be caused by altered capillary resistance (CR) or altered capillary fragility (CF). We measured capillary fragility (CF) before and after complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) to examine, whether CDP could reduce CF. 38 women with lipedema were included in the study. Twenty-one (21) patients were treated with CDP and 17 using exclusively moisturizers as the control group. CDP comprised once daily manual lymph drainage, intermittent pneumatic compression and multilayered short-stretch bandaging performed throughout a 5-day-course. CF was evaluated with the vacuum suction method (VSM) using Parrot's angiosterrometer in both groups. Decongestive therapy resulted in a significant reduction of the number of petechiae while no change was detected within the control group. Complete decongestive physiotherapy significantly reduced CF in patients with lipedema and this reduction may lead to reduced hematoma formation.
Lipedema is a common but rarely diagnosed disease or frequently confused with obesity. Patients are almost exclusively women. It is characterised by symmetrical, circumscribed, in advanced form deforming fat tissue accumulation on the legs that is associated with lymphedema. Spontaneous pain, pain to pressure and tendency to hematoma are characteristic. One of the possible causes of a fat leg, that is a very common complaint, is lipedema. Main differential diagnoses are obesity, lipohypertrophy and primary and secondary lymphedema. It is often associated with chronic venous and lymphatic insufficiency, early degenerative articular disease and obesity. The disease is rarely recognized and the treatment modalities are not widely known. Therefore patients feel very frustrated that leads to psychologic disorders. Until recently only conservative treatment was possible (combination of manual or intermittent pneumatic drainage, compression bandages and garments and physiotherapy). More recently surgical intervention (liposuction) is also included in the treatment options. The significance of lipedema is due not only to the disease itself, but also to the combination of lipedema and the group of associated and secondary diseases (articular and venous diseases, lymphedema, obesity, psychologic disorders). The more diseases coexist, the worse is the prognosis of lipedema itself. To prevent and delay this disease, it is indispensable to recognise it as early as possible and to treat it expertly and follow up patients suffering from lipedema.
Lipedema is a disproportional obesity for which evidence-based treatment is not currently available. We studied whether complete decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) alone or combined with intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) could improve the treatment outcome in women with lipedema using a prospective, randomized trial. Eleven patients received CDP (60 min) and thirteen CDP (30 min) plus IPC (30 min) once daily in a 5-day-course. Subsequent to drainage, all subjects received multilayered compression bandaging, physical exercise and skin care. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by limb volume reduction. Both groups achieved significant reductions in mean lower extremity volume (p < 0.05). The addition of IPC is safe, although it provides no synergistic benefit to CDP in leg volume reduction under these study conditions.
Lymphoedema is a clinical manifestation of an impaired lymphatic drainage with accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Lipoedema is characterized by bilateral enlargement of the legs and/or arms due to abnormal deposition of fatty tissue, which accumulates fluid. Conservative treatment including compressions garments and lymphatic drainage is suitable to prevent ongoing clinical deterioration although both diseases cannot be cured. The ability to properly diagnose lymphoedema and lipoedema is crucial to prevent the significant morbidity and loss of quality of life that is associated with this condition. It is imperative that patients with lymphoedema are referred to specially trained healthcare professionals to ensure optimal treatment. Continuous therapy with strict compliance of the patients is essential, and premature interruption is the most frequent mistake. Lipoedema is a different entity but patients are still fighting for acceptance. The mutual relation of lipoedema and obesity and the poor knowledge of the underlying mechanisms limit the acceptance of lipoedema as a relevant disease.
The population of morbidly obese patients, along with the incidence of lymphedema and massive localized lymphedema associated with this condition, is increasing. A 5-year retrospective review of data (2000-2005) shows that the percentage of patients >350 lb in the authors' clinic population increased from approximately 7% to 11% and 75% of their morbidly obese patients (body mass index >40) had or have lymphedema. After a differential diagnosis between lipedema and lymphedema (primary or secondary) has been made, lymphedema management options include compression bandaging, manual lymphatic drainage, and localized surgeries. The treatment of morbidly obese lymphedema patients requires additional staff time and specialized equipment to move or position them and may be confounded by other conditions (eg, heart failure and venous insufficiency) that contribute to edema. Lymphedema treatments have been found to be useful, providing patients are able to follow treatment guidelines, especially with regard to weight control. In the authors' experience, massive localized lymphedema will recur unless the primary issue of obesity is addressed. Establishing clear criteria and patient participation guidelines before initiating a comprehensive localized lymphedema program will improve outcomes.
Lymphatic disease is quite prevalent, and often not well clinically characterized. Beyond lymphedema, there is a broad array of human disease that directly or indirectly alters lymphatic structure and function. The symptomatic and objective presentation of these patients can be quite diverse. In this review, we have attempted to provide a systematic overview of the subjective and objective spectrum of lymphatic disease, with consideration of all of the categories of disease that primarily or secondarily impair the functional integrity of the lymphatic system. Lymphedema is discussed, along with chromosomal disorders, lymphangioma, infectious diseases, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lipedema, heritable genetic disorders, complex vascular malformations, protein-losing enteropathy, and intestinal lymphangiectasia.
Introduction: Complaints of lipoedema are mainly referred to as pressure pain or tension in the scientific literature. Objective: The objective was to enable a further differentiation of the quality of the perceived discomfort and provide a preliminary quantification of pain severity. Methods: 50 patients with Stage II lipoedema were asked to complete a questionnaire containing 30 items corresponding to sensory and affective pain sensations. For these items, they could choose between “completely applicable”, “largely applicable”, “somewhat applicable”, or “not applicable”. The patients were also asked to describe their complaints in their own words. Results: The items pressing and dull were specified most frequently. The following were indicated to a lesser extent: severe, tearing, nagging, unnerving, fierce, unbearable, exhausting, and sharp. Compared to patients with chronic pain, the mean values of all the patients’ sensory and affective scores yielded an average pain severity. However, when the patients used their own formulations, the complaints were often described as being very pronounced. Conclusion: Only a small portion of the adjectives offered was suitable for characterising the sensations of lipoedema. There were considerable inter-individual variations in how the pain was perceived. The severe symptoms, which are partially subjective, should be considered when characterising lipoedema.
Introduction: In the scientific literature complaints in patients with lipoedema are described as pain due to pressure or as tenderness. Objective: To better classify the quality of pain in lipoedema and to find out about the extent of complaints. Methods: 50 patients with lipoedema stage II received a questionnaire with 30 items containing adjectives of sensory and affective pain qualities. For these items they could choose between »fits exactly«, »fits fairly well«, »fits little« or »does not fit«. In addition, patients were asked to describe their complaints with their own words. Results: In most cases the items pressing and lumpish were chosen. Many patients used the characterizations heavy, tearing, distressing, enervating, fierce, unbearable, exhausting, and pinching. The median values of all the patients´ sensory and affective scores showed – compared to people with chronic pain – »average« values. However, by using their own words, the complaints were often described as extremely burdensome. Conclusion: For describing pain in lipoedema only few items were used by the patients. There were great interindividual variations. Aspects of pain can be quite burdensome; they should be used in the characterization and the grading of lipoedema. Key words: lipedema, pain assessment, pain experience scale
- Lipedema (13)
- Open Access (1)
- Original studies and data (3)
- Review (6)
- Therapeutics (2)
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- Open Access (1)